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The universe’s genesis was enveloped in “The Big Bang,” atomic particles condensed into stars and life. Though just as all good things must come to an end, the constant expansion of our cosmos will come to a halt and diminish… slowly into a murmur before the last spec of life fades into oblivion.

Death is a fact, a certainty. Something that we consider throughout our existence. But, we tend to forget this inevitability as we experience the joys of life, constructing a future and storing riches for our satisfaction. All it takes is one reminder for all those dreams to shake, crumble and shatter. The foundations you set for yourself will be tested in a devastating reality check. Cancer is one of the leading examples of such a reality check. A slow, silent infection that not only corrupts your body but your mind into dwelling over thoughts of sheer morbidity.

It begs the question, what happens if you are told how long you have left in this world?

How does one cope with a terminal illness?


Once you learn about your diagnosis, you must understand your situation through its DNA. Research and educate yourself on your cancer type and why it might have occurred. Seek professional medical personnel to guide you before Googling. Determine if there is any chance for survival so you can treat your illness, if possible.

Forgive yourself

The weight of knowing is heavy to bear. Knowing that you will one day leave your loved ones is a trigger. Instead, please take a moment to pause, acknowledge these feelings, and help them fleet away as you try to make the most of what you have in the given moment. Focus your attention on forgiving yourself and what life has come to provide you. Take pleasure in the little joys in life.

Plan and prioritize

The saying goes, “Live every moment as it is your last.” Us humans need to savor each day and appreciate the little time life offers. After all, everyone is going to pass on someday. On the positive side, knowing about your illness can help you fulfill the pursuit of living each day as if it’s your last. It will help you prioritize your time for the things and people you genuinely care about. You will focus on the activities that make your heart fill with joy. Plan hangouts and dinners with people you have wanted to talk to but never really bothered giving a chance. Surrounding yourself with things that matter can mitigate cancer’s effect on your emotional and physical health.

Talk openly

It is also normal for negative thoughts to creep in and leave you depressed and inundated. Talk about how you feel with a friend or your family member to help you through such trying times. This allows you and your loved ones who can vent their frustrations and grief as they battle the thought of losing you. Furthermore, it is essential to talk about logistics, the financial situation your family may face, a will you may leave behind, etc. Making peace with certainty while praying for a miracle is the only way to cherish the time you have left.

It is what it is

It is essential to make every day count. There is liberation in accepting the inevitable and seizing the day. You don’t have to be in an event or vacation to experience life to the fullest. There is beauty in the little details of life. Watch the sunset, hug your parents or play with your child. Make most of the time you have.

Calm the chaos

Cancer can send your tranquil life into a chaotic storm of regret and grief. It is vital to seek a helping hand when the waters are too rough to stay afloat. Author Perry Muse’s memoir, Morbid Thoughts & The Domino Effect, provides an elaborate outlook on the hardships faced by cancer survivors and their peers. Make the book your companion in coping with cancer or helping someone you love through its morbidity.

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